Does low sperm count, azoosperms, angiosperms, cause sperm infertility?

Does low sperm count, azoosperms, angiosperms, cause sperm infertility?

Nowadays which is catering. He has a ring  Due to budget of stress full life and due to many reasons, sperm infertility, oligospermia or azoospermia have increased significantly in today's youth. The main reason for this is biological codes, environmental codes, and our lifestyle etc.

In infertility -

                        Infertility is a very big problem in the youth. If we talk about oral infertility, then the man is responsible somewhere. The main reason is the number of less sperm in counting. The minimum sperm number of men should be 20 million per ml. If the number of your sperm is less than it, it comes in the number of Olgospermia or less sperm.

Reason -

Biological cods -

                                  There is something wrong in our body somewhere. Because of which our sperm count is not increasing. like -

Hipogenodisam -

                                 Hypogenodism means the manufacture of testosterone in our body. It is a male hormone. Which helps in the production of our sperm.

Testicles -

                     There is a testicle in the secret part of our body. The testicles usually produce sperm. To perform this function of the testicles, the body must have testosterone hormone. When we reach our teens, testosterone in our body increases.  Due to which the development of secondary sexual character in youth. Such as - beard, mustache, heaviness in voice, production of hair and sperm on the body. If our testosterone levels are down due to any reason, this is a big reason, due to the low sperm count in the body, it shows the lack of sperm in our body.

Harmonium cods -

                                    People who lack l.a.t.e.x are unable to produce sperm in their body properly and develop low sperm count in them.

In the gym -

                        In today's youth, gym has become more crazed. He does a lot of activities in the gym. He takes lots of anaerobic steroids and high amounts of protein while doing gym. Once the body becomes pure and the body develops. They have good strength. Flows well in high weight lifting. But going ahead, many disorders arise in their body. This causes a lot of sperm deficiency in them and their testosterone level is reduced to a great extent. They cause inferiority of children in them. If you go to the gym, then do not consume unnecessary things like - anabolizing steroids or protein in the gym, then it is very good for you.

Weight lifting -

                            Most of the youth in the gym do weight lifting. It is good if youngsters do not do much weight lifting in the gym. Vericosyl production occurs in them due to unnecessary and axicing weight lifting.

Vericosil -

                    Varicosyl causes sperm infertility or infertility in young people. It forms a bunch of nerves in our testicles or testicles. Due to which there is mild swelling and the nerves there become thin. Due to which there is an increase in the tentic. Due to which sperm starts dying in the body and there is no increase in sperm count. Therefore, varicosil is also a major cause. Of sperm inferiority in youth.

Undescended testicles -

                                              Some teenagers who have testicles. They are sunken in the stomach rather than in the sky. For the formation of sperms, the temperature of our testicles is the temperature. It must be less than 102 ° from our body. But if your testicles are trapped in the stomach and if not in the scorum and there the temperature is equal to our body, sperm cannot be formed. Due to which, sperm in the body develops and low sperm count develops.

Injury to testicles -

                                    If there is an injury on your testicles, there is a lot of difficulty in making sperm and the sperm count is reduced. If there is any lump in your scrotum or testicles, then your low sperm count develops there too. If you have any infection in your testicles. Someone whom you speak of orchestration or you have mums in your childhood, then it also causes low sperm count.

In tension and depression -

                                                 If you have a lot of tension and are getting frustrated due to the stress, then that also causes a sperm count. If you have anxiety, tension, or depression, it also causes a low sperm count.

In diabetes -

                        For those people who have diabetes, the sperm count of those people declines.

In chronic illnes -

                                 If you have been ill for a long time or you have been suffering from cancer for a long time or you have suffered from chronic diseases due to which your body has become very weak or a situation like this, then in such a situation  Your sperm count gets low.

Obesity -

                 O besity also causes low testosterone in people. Due to which low sperm count can be created.


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