Does low sperm count, azoosperms, angiosperms, cause sperm infertility?
Does low sperm count, azoosperms, angiosperms, cause sperm infertility? Nowadays which is catering. He has a ring Due to budget of stress full life and due to many reasons, sperm infertility, oligospermia or azoospermia have increased significantly in today's youth. The main reason for this is biological codes, environmental codes, and our lifestyle etc. In infertility - Infertility is a very big problem in the youth. If we talk about oral infertility, then the man is responsible somewhere. The main reason is the number of less sperm in counting. The minimum sperm number of men should be 20 million per ml. If the number of your sperm is less than it, it comes in the number of Olgospermia or less sperm. Reason - Biological cods - There is something wrong in our body somewhere. Becau...